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Sl No. Title Authors Link
1. Revisiting tenancy and agricultural productivity in Southern India: Insights from longitudinal household surverys VDSA team
2. Tracer study of VLS researchers VDSA team
3. Research influences of VDSA databank VDSA team
4. Rural transformation in Eastern India: Still lagging behind? VDSA team
5. Constraints of smallholder farmers in Bangladesh: A qualitative assessment VDSA team
6. Agricultural transformation in Bangladesh VDSA team
7. Agricultural labor dynamics in Bangladesh VDSA team
8. Rural livelihood transformation in Bangladesh VDSA team
9. Pattern of agricultural transformations in VDSA villages of Karnataka VDSA team
10. Dietary diversity and nutritional status of women and children: Evidence from the ICRISAT Village Level Studies VDSA team
11. Agricultural transformation in VDSA villages in Bihar VDSA team
12. Agricultural transformation in VDSA villages in Jharkhand VDSA team
13. Changes in structure of labour participation and wage dynamics in Bihar VDSA team
14. Changes in structure of labour participation and wage dynamics in Jharkhand VDSA team
15. Changing Livelihood Scenario: Village insight from Bihar state VDSA team
16. Rapid Changes In Cropping Pattern in Akola Villages: Extent, Determinants and Policy Implications VDSA team
17. Insights from VDSA Meso Level database VDSA team
18. VDSA Meso-level database coverage VDSA team
19. Dynamics of Agrarian Changes in VDSA Villages in Gujarat VDSA team
20. Agrarian Structural Changes in VDSA Villages of Madhya Pradesh VDSA team
21. Process Documentation Research and Impact of ICRISAT Village Grant VDSA team
22. Has NREGA helped in reducing debt burden in rural india? VDSA team
23. Whether Draft Animals are Disappearing from Rural India: Macro and Micro Level Analysis VDSA team
24. Process documentation research of CAPI uses in VDSA project VDSA team
25. Whether combine harvester is speeding up rural transformation in India? VDSA team
26. Rainfall Insurance in India: Does It Deal With Risks in Dryland Farming? VDSA team
27. Changes in cropping pattern in Mahbubnagar villages of Telangana VDSA team
28. Cropping Pattern Changes in Andhra Pradesh VDSA team
29. Changes in Cropping Pattern in Solapur Villages VDSA team
30. Has rural population living in dryland regions benefitted from “shining India”? VDSA team
31. Dynamics of Rural Livelihoods and Poverty in Bangladesh VDSA team
32. Drivers of Change: Moving in and Out of Poverty in Rural India VDSA team
33. Major Challenges and Implications for Research and Development Strategy VDSA team
34. Rural Labor Market: Insights from Village Dynamics Studies VDSA team
35. Structural Change in Rural Labor Market: Macro Level Trends VDSA team
36. Village Dynamic Studies Knowledge Bank VDSA team
37. VDSA timeline flyer: Raising the voices of the poor VDSA team
38. Reaching the Unreached: Village Dynamics in South Asia (VDSA Brochure) VDSA team
39. Tracking change in rural poverty in household and village economies in South Asia VDSA team
40. Social Analysis Using Qualitative Tools VDSA team
41. Indicators to track rural poverty VDSA team
42. When everything connects: Social networks, technology adoption and adaptive capacity in the semi-arid tropics VDSA team
43. ICRISAT Village Level Studies – Then and Now VDSA team