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 Empowering policy makers through research insights  

VDSA 6th Annual Review Meeting "Empowering policy makers through research insights" held on 2-3 April 2015, at ICRISAT, Patancheru, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. >> More

 Transformation in Rural Economy and Employment Opportunities in Eastern India - National symposium  

National Symposium on "Transformation in Rural Economy and Employment Opportunities in Eastern India" held on 17 December 2014, at Hotel Royal Retreat, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India. >> More

 Dynamics of Rural Labour Markets: Implications for Agricultural Growth and Rural Transformation - National symposium and Policy dialogue  

National Symposium on “Dynamics of Rural Labour Markets: Implications for Agricultural Growth and Rural Transformation” held on 15-16 September 2014, at National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), National Agriculture Science Centre (NASC) Complex Dev Prakash Shastri Marg (Opp. Todapur Village), New Delhi 110012, India. >> More

  Rapid Transformation of Rural Economies in South Asia: Insights from Village Dynamics Studies (VDS) - Conference 

Rural economies in South Asia has been transforming rapidly with the availability and adoption of new agricultural technologies, better access to markets for agricultural products and labor, implementation of development programs such as construction of new roads and infrastructure, employment generation schemes, social safety net programs, sanitation programs, etc. >> More

  Rapid Transformation of Rural Economies in South Asia: Insights from Village Dynamics Studies (VDS) - Mini-Symposium 

Research by ICRISAT and partners reveals that rural per capita income is on the rise in the semi-arid regions of India and Bangladesh. Adoption of high yielding varieties and access to farm equipment and livestock resources played an important role in the increase in income.  >> More

  Improving efficiency of data collection in village surveys 

To improve efficiency, save time and cost, and improve the quality of data collection, the Village Dynamics in South Asia (VDSA) project has developed a laptop-based data collection tool for use in field surveys.  >> More

  VDSA fourth Annual Review Meeting 

Thirty seven years ago, the vision of the architects of the Village Level Studies (VLS), now known as the Village Dynamics Studies (VDS), was truly remarkable. Today, ICRISAT has broadened the area of this study to cover not just rainfed farming, but also irrigated crops like rice. We will continue to invest in this jewel of ICRISAT to enhance its relevance and include the new realities under the strategic framework of inclusive market-oriented development (IMOD),” said Director General William D. Dar. >> More

  Policy dialogue deliberates on rural labour markets and agriculture 

Increasing incomes of rural poor households by improving employment opportunities either in the farm or non-farm sector was one of the key recommendations during the Policy Dialogue on Rural Labour Markets and Agriculture held on 18 January at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad. The event was jointly organized by ICRISAT, CESS and the SR Sankaran Chair on Rural Labour of the National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD). >> More

  Workshop on impacts of social safety net programs on rural livelihood 

Social safety net (SSN) programs have now become key public policy instruments by governments to mitigate the effects of the growing fuel, financial and food crises the world over. >> More

  VDSA third annual review meeting 

“VDSA is regarded as a highly successful flagship project at the Gates Foundation. We are proud of its achievements and will continue to support it. The true measure of its success is that data are being used by students and researchers for knowledge generation, and by policymakers for evidence-based decision making,” said Mr Tuu-Van Nguyen, representing the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. >> More

  Workshop on dynamics of rural livelihoods and poverty 

During the Workshop on “Dynamics of Rural Livelihoods and Poverty in South Asia: Insights from Village Level Studies” on 5-6 November, 50 researchers from ICRISAT and project partners presented papers on income dynamics across five states and region. >> More

  VDSA Advisory Committee meeting 

The VDSA team was complimented for its systematic collection, management and dissemination of data; harmonization and linking of micro- and meso-data across regions; clarity on concept, definition, tools, techniques of quantitative and qualitative analysis; and interesting and insightful situational analysis. >> More

  VDSA meeting of minds – Harmonizing data management, research and advocacy  

The workshop aimed to achieve a “meeting of minds” among the project’s stakeholders and create a common understanding of project activities in terms of impacting policy – both short-term and long-term – and steps forward towards achieving impacts across the three regions of South Asia (semi-arid tropics of India, humid tropics of East India, and tropics and subtropical region of Bangladesh). >> More

  VDSA review meeting and field investigators’ training workshop

A week-long training workshop was held for 44 participants, including field investigators from 18 villages across five states of SAT India (Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat); data entry operators; and 15 scientists from RP-MIP from 3-8 September, as part of the VDSA project.>> More

  Policy dialogue on accelerating agricultural growth  

A policy dialogue on “Priorities and Possibilities of Investment for Accelerating Agricultural Growth and Reducing Poverty in Odisha” was held on 6 July in Bhubaneswar, Odisha under the auspices of the project “Village Dynamics in South Asia (VDSA). The dialogue was jointly hosted by the National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NCAP), New Delhi; the Directorate of Water Management (DWM), Bhubaneswar; and ICRISAT. Several partners of the VDSA project in East India and in other parts of the country also participated in the policy dialogue. >> More

  Data warehousing workshop of the VDSA  

A data warehousing workshop of the Village Dynamics in South Asia (VDSA) project supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), and jointly implemented by ICRISAT, IRRI and NCAP in partnership with national institutes in Bangladesh and India, was held on 26 March – 6 April at ICRISAT-Patancheru. Microsoft-Sonata is providing the technical support for the VDSA data warehousing initiative. >> More

  VDSA annual review and management meeting held in Dhaka 

The 2nd Regional Annual Review and Management Meeting of the “Village Dynamics in South Asia” (VDSA) project supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and jointly implemented by ICRISAT, IRRI and NCAP with national institutes in Bangladesh and India, was held on 10-11 March at the BRAC Centre Inn, Dhaka, Bangladesh. >> More

  Training program on CAPI 

A training workshop on Ensuring data quality and Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) was conducted for resident field investigators of SAT India from 28 November – 3 December 2011. It included on-the-job experience of CAPI in Shirapur and Kalman villages of Maharashtra from 1-3 December >> More

  Write-shop on VDSA village profiles 

The resident field investigators of the VDSA project couldn’t have asked for a better change from their daily routine of data gathering. At ICRISAT-Patancheru during 3-7 January 2011 for a Write-shop on VDSA village profiles, it gave them an opportunity to hone their skills in becoming proficient writers of the profiles of their villages. >> More

 Mid-term review workshop-cum-training for resident field investigators of VDSA project-SAT, India component 

Away from the calm environs of the village, the Field Investigators of the Asia component of the project attended a 4-day mid-term review workshop-cum-training during 24-27 Aug 2010 organized by the VDSA team at the RP-MIP at Patancheru. >> More

 VDSA Training-cum-project review workshop, Bangladesh component 

A training-cum-project review workshop of the Bangladesh component of the project was organized by RP-MIP, ICRISAT, during 7-9 May 2010 at Socioconsult, Dhaka, Bangladesh. >> More

 Orientation meeting and VDSA project-East India component launch workshop 

The VDSA project’s East India humid tropics component was launched on 20 February 2010 at NCAP, New Delhi. Dr HS Gupta, Director, IARI, New Delhi inaugurated the meeting. Dr BC Barah, Director, NCAP gave the introductory remarks and Dr Anjani Kumar, Senior Scientist representing NCAP presented the project overview .>> More

 Launching workshop 

ICRISAT launched the VDSA project at a meeting held from 30 June-2 July 2009 at Patancheru. >> More

 Sensitization workshop 

A two-day brainstorming, sensitization and planning meeting of the ICRISAT-IRRI-Bangladesh-India VDSA project was held on 25-26 April 2009 at NCAP, New Delhi. >> More

 Planning meeting 

A two-day planning meeting was held on 29-30 March 2009 at ICRISAT for the VDSA project. Samarendu Mohanty and Thelma Paris from IRRI; PK Joshi and Anjani Kumar from NCAP; Alamgir Chowdhury from Socioconsult Bangladesh; and several partners from six states of India; along with Cynthia Bantilan, KPC Rao, VR Kiresur, P Parthasarathy Rao, NP Singh, PS Birthal and the RP-MIP team from ICRISAT participated in the meeting. >> More

 Orientation meeting 

A three-day orientation and work plan meeting for VDSA was held at ICRISAT-Patancheru from 6-8 August 2008. Village investigators and others were briefed about the village dynamics proposal that was under preparation for submission. >> More

 Proposal Planning Meeting 

RP-MIP organized the VDSA proposal planning and review meeting to finalize the project proposal on Longitudinal data for evidence-based decision making (also known as VLS) at ICRISAT, Patancheru from 9-11 July 2008. >> More

 Scoping meeting 

ICRISAT with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation organized a three-day (3-5 May 2008) Scoping meeting on VDSA at ICRISAT, Patancheru, to define the scope of a full project. The scoping study would be helpful in developing a full project proposal which aims to create a high quality longitudinal panel database for South Asia (India and Bangladesh). >> More