A week-long training workshop was held for 44 participants, including field investigators from 18 villages across five states of SAT India (Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat); data entry operators; and 15 scientists from RP-MIP from 3-8 September, as part of the VDSA project.>> More |
Away from the calm environs of the village, the Field Investigators of the Asia component of the project attended a 4-day mid-term review workshop-cum-training during 24-27 Aug 2010 organized by the VDSA team at the RP-MIP at Patancheru. >> More |
A Training-cum-project review workshop of the Bangladesh component of the project was organized by RP-MIP, ICRISAT, during 7-9 May 2010 at Socioconsult, Dhaka, Bangladesh. >> More |
The VDSA project’s East India humid tropics component was launched on 20 February 2010 at NCAP, New Delhi. Dr HS Gupta, Director, IARI, New Delhi inaugurated the meeting. Dr BC Barah, Director, NCAP gave the introductory remarks and Dr Anjani Kumar, Senior Scientist representing NCAP presented the project overview. >> More |
An Induction-cum-orientation and team building program was organized for 16 data entry associates (19-23 January 2010). >> More |
This On-site training was held for field investigators in Andhra pradesh, Madhya pradesh, Gujarat and Karnataka.
To ensure the proper implementation of the VDSA project with a target domain of 42 villages, including 18 in SAT India spread across 5 states, 12 in East India and 12 in Bangladesh, a 10-day induction program (2-11 September 2010) for 20 field investigators (including two women) recruited to collect quality household data in the villages was jointly conducted by RP-MIP and Human Resources at ICRISAT-Patancheru. >> More |