Viswanathan P K, Mishra R N, Bhattarai M, Iyengar H |
2014 |
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGA) Programme in India: A Review of Studies on its Implementation Performance, Outcomes and Implications on sustainable livelihoods across States |
GIDR Occasional Paper Series 4 |
Surendra A, Rao N and Bhattarai M |
2014 |
Major Social Safety Net Programmes in the Context of Dryland Farming: Review and Synthesis |
Working paper |
Surendra A, Rao N and Bhattarai M |
2014 |
Social Safety Net Programmes in Selected Villages of Andhra Pradesh |
Working paper |
Deb U, Bantilan C and Anupama GV |
2014 |
Drivers of Change, Dynamics of Rural Livelihoods and Poverty in SAT India |
Research bulletin 26 |
Reddy DN, Reddy AA, Nagaraj N and Bantilan C |
2014 |
Impact of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) on Rural Labour Markets |
Working paper series no. 58 |
Reddy DN, Reddy AA, Nagaraj N and Bantilan C |
2014 |
Rural Non-Farm Employment and Rural Transformation in India |
Working paper series no. 57 |
Reddy DN, Reddy AA, Nagaraj N and Bantilan C |
2014 |
Emerging Trends in Rural Employment Structure and Rural Labor Markets in India |
Working paper series no. 56 |
Uttam K Deb, AKM Nazrul Islam, Muhammad Al Amin, Nafisa Khaled, Ashiqun Nabi, Mazbahul
Golam Ahamad, Debi Narayan Rudra Paul, Naveen P Singh and Cynthia Bantilan
Vulnerability to Climate Change: Adaptation Strategies and Layers of Resilience
- Climatic Trends in Bangladesh
Research Report No. 10
AKM Nazrul Islam, Uttam K Deb, Muhammad Al Amin, Nusrat Jahan, Ishita Ahmed, Shamma
Tabassum, Mazbahul Golam Ahamad, Ashiqun Nabi, Naveen P Singh, Byjesh Kattarkandi
and Cynthia Bantilan
Vulnerability to Climate Change: Adaptation Strategies and Layers of Resilience
- Quantifying Vulnerability to Climate Change in Bangladesh
Research Report No. 16
Pandey LM, Rao PP, Birthal PS, Bantilan C and Binswanger HP |
2013 |
Supply Response and Investment in Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh |
Working Paper series No. 45 |
Reddy AA |
2013 |
Rural Transformation Since 1970s in Dokur Village of Andhra Pradesh, India |
Working paper |
Kumar A, Singh KM, Singh RKP, Meena MS, Kumar A |
2013 |
Dynamics of Income in Bihar: Evidence from Village Studies |
Working paper |
Meena MS, Singh KM, Singh RKP, Kumar A, Kumar A |
2013 |
Dynamics of Income in Jharkhand: Evidences from Village Studies |
Working paper |
Reddy AA |
2013 |
Farm profitability and Labour Use Efficiency |
Working paper |
Singh KM, Singh RKP, Kumar A |
2013 |
A Socio-Economic Study on Adoption of Modern Agricultural Technologies in Bihar, India |
Working paper |
Singh KM, Singh RKP, Kumar A |
2013 |
Male Worker Migration and Women Empowerment: The case of Bihar, India |
Working paper |
Singh KM, Singh RKP, Meena MS, Kumar A, Jha AK, Kumar A |
2013 |
Determinants of Rural Poverty: An Empirical Study of Socio-Economic Factors in Jharkhand, India |
Working paper |
Singh KM, Singh RKP, Meena MS, Kumar A, Jha AK, Kumar A |
2013 |
Rural Poverty in Jharkhand: An Empirical Exploration of Socio-Economic Determinants Using High Frequency Panel Data |
Working paper |
Singh, RKP, Singh KM, Kumar A, Meena MS, Jha AK, Kumar A |
2013 |
Dimensions of Rural Poverty in Bihar: A Village Level Study |
Working paper |
Alison P |
2012 |
Drivers of Change: Agricultural Modernization and Women’s status in SAT India |
Working paper series no. 35 |
Kumarcharyulu D, Bantilan MCS and Rao KPC
Study of treatment effects in Village Level Studies
Working Paper Series no. 33
Kiresur VR, Chandrakala SK, Chopde VK, Rao YM and Bantilan MCS |
2011 |
Labor Market Participation in Semi-Arid Tropical Villages of India |
Working paper series no. 55 |
Maertens A
Effects of Social Learning, Imitations and Social Pressures on Bacillus thuringiensis
Cotton Technology Adoption Decisions in India
Research Bulletin 24
Nageswara Rao GD , Anand Babu P and Bantilan MCS
Dynamics and development pathways in the Semi-Arid Tropics: Dokur village profile
Research Bulletin 23
Naschold F |
2009 |
"Poor stays poor" Household Asset Poverty Traps in Rural Semi-Arid India |
Working paper |
Badiani R
Temporary and permanent migration in six villages in the Semi-Arid Tropics
Research Bulletin 22
Rao KPC and Kumara Charyulu D
Changes in agriculture and village economies
Research Bulletin 21
Rationalization of input subsidies in Andhra Pradesh agriculture
Economics Group Progress Report137 ICRISAT
Rao KPC, Chopde VK Mohan Rao Y and Kumaracharyulu D
Salient features of village economies in the semi-arid tropics (SAT)of India
Economics Group Progress Report130 ICRISAT
Udry C*
Efficiency and market structure: testing for profit maximization in African agriculture
Trade Growth and Development: Essays in honor of TS Srinivasan
Kurosaki T
Risk sharing arrangements and the structure of risk and time preferences: theory
and preferences from rural India
Institute of Economic Research Hitotsubashi University Tokyo Mimeo
Yamuchi F
Learning and investment in human capital: empirical identification of social learning
in schooling investment in a dynamic context
Kyoto Institute of Economic Research Kyoto University Mimeo
Kanwar S
Wage labor in developing agriculture
Hampshire: Ashgate Publishers
Ligon E
Risk sharing and information in village economics
University of California Berkeley Mimeo
Ligon E
Risk sharing and information: theory and measurement in village economics
University of California Berkeley Mimeo
Kanwar S
Are peasants risk averse? A critical assessment
Delhi School of Economics Mimeo
Chung K
The contribution of ICRISAT's mandate crops to household food security: a case study
of four rural villages in the Indian semi-arid tropics
The Watson institute for international studies Brown University
Coelli TJ and Battese GE
Identification of factors which influence the technical inefficiency of Indian farmers
Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics
Ravallion M and Datt G
Is targeting through a work requirement efficient? Some evidence from rural India
Public spending and the poor: Theory and evidence Baltimore: John Hopkins Univ Press
Datt Gaurav
Bargaining power wages and employment: an analysis of agricultural labor markets
in India
New Delhi: Sage Publications
Jacoby HG and Skoufias E
Risk financial markets and human capital in a developing country
University of Rochester Mimeo
Kelley TG, Parthasarathy Rao P and Mandar J
Changes in cropping patterns in the semi-arid tropics of India: the role of price
and non-price factors
ICRISAT Asia Center (IAC)Progress Report - 118
Matlon PJ*
Indigenous land use systems and investments in soil fertility in Burkina Faso
Pages 41-69 Kendall/Hunt Publishing company Dubuque
Reardon T, Matlon PJ, Kelly V and Delgado C*
Is income diversification agriculture-led in the WASAT's? Nature causes effects
distributions and production-linkages off-farm activities
Pages 207-229 in economic policy experience in Africa African Economic Consortium
Kochar A
Uncertainty and poverty: evaluating the link in developing countries
Stanford University Mimeo
Whitaker M and Lalitha S
Quantifying the relative productivity and sustainability of alternative cropping
Economics Group Progress Report115 ICRISAT
Murty KN
Consumption and nutritional patterns of ICRISAT mandate crops in India
Economics Group Progress Report53 ICRISAT
Ligon E
Risk sharing under varying information regimes: theory and measurements in village
University of Chicago Mimeo
Kochar A
Labour market's responses to idiosyncratic agricultural shocks: empirical evidence
from rural India
Stanford University Mimeo
Battese GE and Bernabe M
An investigation of stochastic frontier production functions involving farmer characteristics
using ICRISAT data from three villages
Working paper in Econometrics and Applied Statistics University of new England
Battese GE and Coelli TJ
A stochastic frontier production function incorporating a model for technical inefficiency
Working paper in Econometrics and Applied Statistics University of new England
Chaudhari, Shubham*
Crop choice fertilizer use and credit constraints: an empirical analysis
Columbia University Manuscript
Reardon T, Hopkins TJ and Kelly V*
Structural adjustment impacts on real incomes and demand patterns or urban and rural
households in the Sahel
Presented at the 29th seminar of the European association of Agricultural economics
Hohenheim Germany
Battese GE and Tessema GA
Estimation of stochastic frontier production functions with time-varying parameters
and technical efficiencies using panel data from Indian villages
Economics Group Progress Report111 ICRISAT
Singh RP and Binswanger HP
Income growth in poor dryland areas of India's semi-arid tropics
Economics group progress report no110 ICRISAT
Jacoby HG and Skoufias E
Risk seasonality and school attendance: evidence from rural India
University of Rochester Mimeo
Pender JL
Individual discount rates and credit rationing results of an experimental study
in India
Economics Group Progress Report109 ICRISAT
Kelley TG, Parthasarathy Rao P and Singh RP
Trends in sorghum production and utilization in Asia
Economics Group Progress Report108 ICRISAT
Kerr JM, Subba Rao KV, Mohan Rao Y , Bhaskar Rao V and Nageswara Rao GD
The impact of erratic electric supply on irrigated agriculture
Economics Group Progress Report113 ICRISAT
Kerr JM and Sangi NK
Indigenous soil and water conservation in India's semi arid tropics
Economics group progress report no 112 ICRISAT
Parthasarathy Rao P, Singh L, Singh U and Walker TS
Consumer preferences for pigeonpea grain quality
Economics Group Progress Report102 ICRISAT
Singh RP and Desai GM
Farmer's fertilizer practices in the semi-arid tropics of India
Economics Group Progress Report100 ICRISAT
Asokan M, Bhaskar Rao V and Mohan Rao Y
Agro-economic profile of selected villages in Mahabubnagar region of Andhra Pradesh
VLS Series Resource Management Program: Economics Group ICRISAT
Rohrbach DR
Marketing constraints and opportunities for sorghum and millet in southern and eastern
Economics Group Progress Report106 ICRISAT
Murdoch J
Consumption smoothing across space: tests for village level response to risk
Harvard University Mimeo
Kelley TG, Parthasarathy Rao P and Walker TS
The relative value of cereal straw fodder in the semi-arid tropics of India: implications
for cereal breeding programs at ICRISAT
Economics Group Progress Report105 ICRISAT
Murdoch J
Risk production and saving: theory and evidence from Indian households
Harvard University Mimeo
Mueller RAE
Choosing the right research pond: figuring research priorities with implementation
in mind
Economics Group Progress Report103 ICRISAT
Pender JL and Walker TS
Experimental measurement of time preference in rural India
Economics Group Progress Report97 ICRISAT
Reardon T and Delgado C*
Income diversification of rural household in Burkina Faso
Professional development workshop on dryland management
Baidu-Forson J
Economic evaluation of on-station operational scale (OPSCAR) trials conducted at
sadore Niger
Economics Group Progress Report96 ICRISAT
Bidinger PD, Walker TS, Sarker B, Ram Murthy A and Babu P
Economic health and nutritional consequences of the mid-80's drought on tank irrigated
deccan village in south India
Economics Group Progress Report98 ICRISAT
Vierich HID and Stoop WA*
Changes in west African savanna agriculture in response to growing population and
continuing low rain fall
Reprint from Agricultural Ecosystems and Environment Vol 31 Pages 115-132
Walker TS and Ryan JG
Village and household economies in India's semi-arid tropics
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press
Bakker EJ
Demand for rainfall insurance in the semi-arid tropics of India
Economics Group Progress Report101 ICRISAT
Kelley TG, Mohan Rao Y, Chopde VK, Ladole VB, Singh L, Johansen C and Walker TS
Early acceptance of short duration pigeon pea in selected benchmark villages in
peninsular India
Economics Group Progress Report99 ICRISAT
Lim Y*
Disentangling permanent income from risk sharing: a general equilibrium perspective
on the rural credit market in developing countries
University of Chicago Mimeo
Reardon T and Matlon PJ*
Seasonal food insecurity and vulnerability in drought affected regions of Burkina
Pages 118-136 seasonal variability in third world agriculture Johns Hopkins University
Rosenzweig MR and Wolpin KI
Credit market constraints consumption soothing and the accumulation of durable production
assets in low income countries: investments in bullocks in India
University of Minnesota Mimeo
Singh RP, Kashive RC, Bhaskar Rao V, Kshirsagar KG and Foster JH
Production resource management with rapid adoption of a new crop: soybeans in Madhya
Economics Program Progress Report107 ICRISAT
Bakker EJ
Demand for rainfall insurance in the semi-arid tropics in India
Economics Group ICRISAT
Adesina AA
Farmer production behavior and agricultural technologies: a stochastic programming
analysis in southern Niger
Economics Group Progress Report90 ICRISAT
Singh RP and Hazell PBR
Rural poverty in the semi-arid tropics of India: identifications determinants and
policy interventions
Economics group progress report no 94 ICRISAT
Singh RP and Jodha NS
Determinants of intercropping in the semi-arid tropics of India
Economics group progress report no95 ICRISAT
Walker TS
Yield and household income variability in India's semi-arid tropics
Pgs 309-319 in Variability in grain yields: Implications for agricultural research
and policy in developing countries Baltimore MA USA; Johns Hopkins University Press
Jodha NS (Editor)
Technology options and economic policy for dryland agriculture: potential and challenges
New Delhi: Concept publishing Co
Jodha NS and Singh RP
Crop rotation in traditional farming systems in selected areas of India
Economics Group Progress Report91 ICRISAT
Ranganathan R, Fafchamps M and Walker TS
Evaluating biological productivity in intercropping systems with production possibility
Economics Group Progress Report93 ICRISAT
Narasimham NV, von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P
Prediction of consumer preferences for groundnut quality based on a market derived
preference index
Economics Group Progress Report83 ICRISAT
Baidu-Forson J
Characteristics of farm households and economy in western Niger villages: some evidence
from baseline surveys
Economics Group Progress Report87 ICRISAT
Dvorak KA
Indigenous soil classification in semi-arid tropical India
Economics group progress report no 84 ICRISAT
Narasimham NV, Von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P
World markets for hand picked and selected (hps)groundnuts
Economics Group Progress Report82 ICRISAT
Matlon PJ*
The west African SAT's accelerating food production in sub-Saharan Africa
Pages 59-77 Johns Hopkins University Press
Kshirsagar KG, Bhende MJ, Pawar MN, Chopde VK and Walker TS
Acceptance of an improved variety competing with hybrids: farmers' perceptions and
early adoption of wc-c75 pearl millet variety in western Maharashtra
Economics Group Progress Report78 ICRISAT
Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP
Measuring adoption lags: farmers vs farm concept
Economics Group Progress Report80 ICRISAT
Dvorak KA
A social science perspective and evaluating and designing component research: a
case study of nitrogen fertilizer and post rainy season sorghum in India
Presented at the workshop on social science perspectives on managing agricultural
technology 24-27 Sep 1987 Lahore Pakistan India: ICRISAT
Dvorak KD
Documentation of soils data for village level studies plots
Economics group VLS miscellaneous paper ICRISAT
Jodha NS and Singh RP
Village level farm adjustment to rainfall variability
Pgs 56-67 in the impact of climatic variations in agricultureVol2 Assessments in
semi-arid regions Dordrecht Netherlands: Reidel
Foster JH, Kshirsagar KG, Bhende MJ, Bhaskar Rao V and Walker TS
Early adoption of improved vertisol technology options and double cropping in Begumgunj,
Madhya Pradesh
Economics Group Progress Report77 ICRISAT
Binswanger HP and Rosenzweig MR
Credit markets wealth and endowments in rural south India
Agricultural and rural development department Report No ARU 59 The World Bank Washington
Bhaskar Rao V and Mueller RAE
Some traditional pest control practices of SAT farmers
Economics program VLS and miscellaneous paper series ICRISAT
Ballabh V and Walker TS
Land fragmentation subdivision and consolidation in India's dry semi arid tropics
Economics Group Progress Report76 ICRISAT
Ballabh V and Walker TS
Land subdivision in India's semi-arid tropics
Economics Group ICRISAT
Walker TS and JodhaNS
How small farm households adopt to risk
Pgs17-34 in Crop insurance for agricultural development: Issues and experience Baltimore
MA USA; Johns Hopkins University Press
Mueller RAE
Summary report on 2nd in-service training program for economists from national agricultural
research institutions in the semi-arid tropics
Resource Management Program
Jodha NS
Development strategy for rain fed agriculture: possibilities and constraints
Presented at the silver jubilee national seminar 27-30 April 1984 Institute of Economic
Growth Delhi
Ryan JG and Wallace D
Determinants of labor market wages participation and supply in rural south India
Economics Group Progress Report73 ICRISAT
Engelhardt T
Assessing risk in drilling in-well bores: evidence from a watershed in south peninsular
Economics Program Progress Report70 ICRISAT
von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV
Yields of mandate crops projected by ICRISAT scientist
Economics Program Progress Report69 ICRISAT
Matlon PJ*
A critical review of objectives methods and progress to date in sorghum and millet
improvement: a case study of ICRISAT Burkina Faso
Purdue University Mimeo
Matlon PJ*
Technology evaluation: five case studies from west Africa farmers participation
in the development of technology
Pages 95-180 IDRC Ottawa Canada
Kshirsagar KG, Fieldson RS, Mayande VM and Walker TS
Use of and prospective demand for wheeled tool carriers in India
Economics Program Progress Report64 ICRISAT
Matlon PJ*
Appropriate technologies for farmers in semi-arid west Africa
A case study of ICRISAT Burkina Faso
Bonkian A
Manure use in two villages of central Upper Volta
Village Studies Report No 5 BP 1165 ICRISAT
Hardaker JB and Ghodake RD
Using measurement of risk attitude in modeling farmer's technology choices
Economics Program Progress Report60 ICRISAT
Saha A
Food security and household production decisions
Department of agricultural economics Texas A and M University Mimeo
Ryan JG and Ghodake RD
Labor market behavior in rural villages of south India: effects of season sex and
socio-economic status
Pgs 169-183 in Contractual arrangements employment and wages in rural labour markets
in Asia New Haven CT USA: Yale University Press
Ryan JG, Bidinger PD, Rao NP and Pushpamma P
The determinants of individual diets and nutritional status in six villages in south
Research Bulletin 7
Singh RP, Jain BL, and Bhaskar Rao V
Features of traditional systems in selected villages of Madhya Pradesh
Economics Program Progress Report61 ICRISAT
Murty KN
Consumption and nutritional patterns of INRISAT mandate crops in India
Economics Program Progress Report53 ICRISAT
Matlon PJ*
Crop production budget in two villages of central upper Volta
Progress report 4 WA Economics program ICRISAT
Khirasagar KG
Agro-economic profile of selected villages in Akola region of Maharashtra state
in India
VLS Miscellaneous paper ICRISAT
Parthasarathy Rao P and Von-Oppen M
Village consumers' preference for sorghum varieties and its relationship to sorghum
preference index
Economics Program Progress Report50 ICRISAT
Sarin R and Ryan JG
Economic assessment of improved watershed technology options in on-farm experiments
Economics program progress report no46 ICRISAT
Walker TS, Singh RP, Asokan M and Binswanger HP
Fluctuations in income in three villages of India's semi-arid tropics
Economics Program Progress Report57 ICRISAT
Walker TS, Singh RP and Jodha NS
Dimensions of farm-level diversification in the semi-arid tropics of rural south
Economics program progress report No 51 ICRISAT
Behrman JR and Murty KN
Scenario analysis of Indian semi-arid tropical crop markets
Economics Program Progress Report52 ICRISAT
Bhende MJ
Credit markets in rural south India
Economics Program Progress Report 56 ICRISAT
Bhende MG
Agroeconomic profile of selected villages in Sholapur region of Maharashtra state
in India
VLS miscellaneous paper ICRISAT
Barah BC and Binswanger HP
Regional effects of national stabilization policies: the case of India
Economics Program Progress Report37 ICRISAT
Harriss B
The marketing of foodgrains in the west African Sudano-Sahelian states
Economics Program Progress Report31 ICRISAT
Ryan JG
Wage functions for daily labor market participation in rural south India
Economics Program Progress Report38 ICRISAT
Rajendran S, Jha D and Ryan JG
Fertilizer responsiveness of chickpeas in India
Economics Program Progress Report34 ICRISAT
Raju VT and von Oppen M
Marketing efficiency for elected crops in semi-arid tropical India
Economics Program Progress Report32 ICRISAT
Sarin R and Walker TS
The perceptions of farmers and participation in the Taddanpale watershed project
in 1982-83
Economics Program Progress Report44 ICRISAT
Singh RP, Asokan M and Walker TS
Size composition and other aspects of rural income in the semi-arid tropics of India
Economics Program Progress Report33 ICRISAT
Singh RP and Singh SB
Features of traditional farming systems in two villages of Gujarat
Economics program progress report no35 ICRISAT
Singh RP and Walker TS
Determinants and implications of crop failure in semi-arid tropics of India
Economics program progress report no40 ICRISAT
Walker TS and Jodha NS
Efficiency of risk management by small farmers and implications for crop insurance
Economics Program Progress Report45 ICRISAT
Walker TS and Subba Rao KV
Risk and choice of cropping systems: hybrid sorghum and cotton in the Akola region
of central peninsular India
Economics program progress report No43 ICRISAT
Walker TS and Subba Rao KV
Yield and net returns distributions in common village cropping systems in the semi-arid
tropics of India
Economics Program progress report no41 ICRISAT
Vierich H*
Agricultural production social status and intra-compound relationships
West view special studies on Africa
Doherty VS
A guide to the study of social and economic groups and stratification in ICRISAT's
Indian village level studies
VLS miscellaneous paper ICRISAT
Binswanger HP, Doherty VS, Balaramaiah T , Bhende MJ, Kshirsagar KC, Rao VB and
Raju PSS
Common features and contrasts in labor relations in the semi-arid tropics of India
Economics Group Progress Report13 ICRISAT
Pant C
Tenancy in semi-arid tropical villages of south India: determinants and effects
on cropping pattern and input use
Economics program progress report no20 ICRISAT
Jha D and Sarin R
An analysis of levels patterns and determinants of fertilizer use on farms in selected
regions of semi-arid tropical India
Economics progress report No 25 ICRISAT
Binswanger HP, Jha D, Balaramaiah T and Sillers D
The impact of attitudes toward risk on agricultural decision in rural India
Economics program progress report no42 ICRISAT
von Oppen M
Prospects for grain legume production in Asia
Economics Program Progress Report19 ICRISAT
Singh RP
Crop failure and intercropping in the semi-arid tropics of India
Economics Program Progress Report21 ICRISAT
Singh RP and Asokan M
Concepts and methods for estimating incomes in village studies in semi-arid tropical
Economics program progress report no28 ICRISAT
Bidinger PD and Nag B
The role of pigeonpea in village diets in the semi-arid tropics of south India
Economics Program Progress Report23 ICRISAT
Binswanger HB and Rosenzweig M
Contractual arrangements employment and wages in rural labour markets: a critical
A joint report of agricultural development council New York and ICRISAT India
Matlon PJ *
Profile of farm units in the villages of central upper Volta
Progress Report1 WA Economics Program ICRISAT
Matlon PJ*
Local varieties planting strategies and early season farming activities in two villages
of upper Volta'
Progress report 2 WA Economics program ICRISAT
Jodha NS
Agricultural tenancy in semi-arid tropical India
Economics program progress report no 17 ICRISAT
Jha D and Sarin R |
1980 |
Fertilizer use in semi-arid tropical India |
Progress report 9 ICRISAT |
Sarin R and Binswanger HP
Gap analysis in farming systems problems and approaches
Economics Program Progress Report12 ICRISAT
Jha D and Sarin R
Fertilizer consumption and growth in semi-arid tropical India a district-level analysis
Economics Program Progress Report10 ICRISAT
von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV
Tank irrigation in semi-arid tropical India
Economics Program Progress Report9 ICRISAT
Ryan JG and Ghodake RD
Labor market behavior in rural villages of south India
Economics program progress report no 15 ICRISAT
Jodha NS
Some dimensions of traditional farming in semi-arid tropical India
Economics Program Progress Report4 ICRISAT
Jodha NS
Intercropping in traditional farming systems
Economics program progress report no3 ICRISAT
Jodha NS
Role of credit in farmer's adjustments to risk
Economics program progress occasional paper no 20 ICRISAT
Jodha NS, Asokan M and Ryan JG
Village study methodology and resource endowments of the selected villages
Economics program occasional paper no 16 ICRISAT
Jodha NS
Considerations in measurement of rural household incomes
Presented at the A/D/C workshop on household studies 3-7 Aug 1976 Singapore India