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Conference papers

Authors Year Title Presented at conference PDF
Soumitra Pramanik, Uttam Deb and Cynthia Bantilan 2014 Rural Non-Farm Economy in Bangladesh: Nature, Extent, Trends And Determinants Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Conference
Patan Elias Khan, Uttam Deb and Cynthia Bantilan 2014 Rural Non-Farm Economy in SAT India: Nature, Extent and Determinants Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Conference
Anupama GV, Uttam Deb and Cynthia Bantilan 2014 Role of Seasonal Migration on Asset Accumulation and Moving Out of Poverty: The Case of Dokur Village in Andhra Pradesh, India Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Conference
Abhay Kumar , R K P Singh , K M Singh, and Anjani Kumar 2014 Labour out migration from rice based cropping system: A case of Bihar, India Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Conference
R. K. P. Singh, Abhay Kumar , K. M. Singh and Anjani Kumar 2014 Agricultural Production performance on Small farm holdings: Some Empirical Evidences from Bihar, India Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Conference
Prabhakar Nanda, Mukesh Sinha and Ashwani Kumar 2014 Village Income Dynamics in Odisha- An Insight from VDSA Villages Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Conference
K Byjesh, Uttam Deb and Cynthia Bantilan 2014 Rainfall Insurance in India: Does it Deal with Risks in Dryland Farming? Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Conference
Uttam Deb, Cyhnthia Bantilan and Ranjit Kumar 2014 Dynamics Of Rural Livelihoods In Bangladesh And India: Insights From Village Dynamics Studies Villages Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium
Humnath Bhandari and Samarendu Mohanty 2014 Demographic transformation in South Asia: implications for rice research and development Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium
P. Parthasarathy Rao, M. Lagesh, UK Deb and E. Jagadeesh 2014 Typology of Agriculture for India for Technology Targeting and Development Plann Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium
Md. Golam Faruque, Md. Waji Ullah, Uttam Deb,Chowdhury Saleh Ahmed, Roland Nathan Mandal, Bijoya Paul, and Tazeen Fatima Khan 2014 Agricultural Production Typology in Bangladesh Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium
N Nagaraj, Uttam Deb, GD Nageswara Rao, R Anusha and Cynthia Bantilan 2014 Policy Induced Transformation In Dryland Agriculture: The Case Of Tharati Village In Karnataka Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium
Alamgir Chowdhury, John Marandy, Mamun Howlader and Uttam Deb 2014 Transformation From Crop Farming To Fish Farming: Development Dynamics Of Nishaiganj Village In Mymensingh District Of Bangladesh Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium
Madhusudan Bhattarai, Padmaja P, Atul K, Uttam K Deb, and MCS Bantilan 2014 Wage and other Factor determinants of crop productivity and farm income in India? Panel analyses across six villages in SAT region from 2001-2011 Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium
Abdur Rouf Sarkar and Humnath Bhandari 2014 Productivity, Yield Gap and Resource Use Efficiency in Hybrid Rice Production in Bangladesh Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium
R Padmaja, MCS Bantilan, K Kavitha, GV Anil Kumar, P Padmaja and Y Mohan Rao 2014 Women's empowerment in the fragile environment of Semi-Arid Tropics: focus on norms, agency and attitudes Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium
Kamala Gurung, Humnath Bhandari 2014 Does diversification of rice based systems always lead to gender equity? A case from Bangladesh Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium
Anjani Kumar, Shinoj Parappurathu, M C S Bantilan and P K Joshi 2014 Public Distribution System in India: Implications for Poverty and Food Security Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium
Shinoj Parappurathu1, Anjani Kumar, MCS Bantilan and PK Joshi 2014 Food and Nutrition Insecurity in Eastern India: Evidences from a Household Level Study Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium
Nagaraj N, Bhattarai M, Murthy SK , Bantilan C, V 2014 Economic Impacts of MNREGA in Drought Prone Districts of Karnataka- Evidences from VDSA Villages Presented at the Conference on the MGNREGA in India: Taking Stock, Looking ahead, Organised by IFPRI, Cornel University and IGIDR, Mumbai, March 26-28, 2014
Nagaraj N, Deb U, Rao GDN, Anusha R and Bantilan C 2014 Is smallholder Farming Economically Viable? Evidences from Village Dynamics Studies in Karnataka, Peninsular India Presented in IAAE Symposium, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad
Nagaraj N, Deb U, Rao GDN, Bantilan C, Mohana BL, Anusha R 2014 Potential of Horticulture led Development Pathways and its Implications on Income, Employment, Gender Equity and Profitability of Small Holders -Evidences from ICRISAT-VDSA Villages of Karnataka, SAT India Presented in the seminar organized by ISAE, Bijapur, Karnataka
Nagaraj N, Pandey L, Bantilan C and Roy SN 2014 Impact of MGNREGA on Agricultural Labor Scarcity and Wages in SAT India Paper presented at National Symposium, New Delhi
Bhattarai M, Ponnamaneni P, Bantilan MCS 2014 MGNREGS Impact on Farm Credit in Andhra Pradesh, India: Household Level Panel Data Analysis Research paper presented at 58th Annual conference of AARES, 4-7 February (2014), Port Macquarie, NSW. Australia