Soumitra Pramanik, Uttam Deb and Cynthia Bantilan |
2014 |
Rural Non-Farm Economy in Bangladesh: Nature, Extent, Trends And Determinants |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Conference |
Patan Elias Khan, Uttam Deb and Cynthia Bantilan |
2014 |
Rural Non-Farm Economy in SAT India: Nature, Extent and Determinants |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Conference |
Anupama GV, Uttam Deb and Cynthia Bantilan |
2014 |
Role of Seasonal Migration on Asset Accumulation and Moving Out of Poverty: The Case of Dokur Village in Andhra Pradesh, India |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Conference |
Abhay Kumar , R K P Singh , K M Singh, and Anjani Kumar |
2014 |
Labour out migration from rice based cropping system: A case of Bihar, India |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Conference |
R. K. P. Singh, Abhay Kumar , K. M. Singh and Anjani Kumar |
2014 |
Agricultural Production performance on Small farm holdings: Some Empirical Evidences from Bihar, India |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Conference |
Prabhakar Nanda, Mukesh Sinha and Ashwani Kumar |
2014 |
Village Income Dynamics in Odisha- An Insight from VDSA Villages |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Conference |
K Byjesh, Uttam Deb and Cynthia Bantilan |
2014 |
Rainfall Insurance in India: Does it Deal with Risks in Dryland Farming? |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Conference |
Uttam Deb, Cyhnthia Bantilan and Ranjit Kumar |
2014 |
Dynamics Of Rural Livelihoods In Bangladesh And India: Insights From Village Dynamics Studies Villages |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium |
Humnath Bhandari and Samarendu Mohanty |
2014 |
Demographic transformation in South Asia: implications for rice research and development |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium |
P. Parthasarathy Rao, M. Lagesh, UK Deb and E. Jagadeesh |
2014 |
Typology of Agriculture for India for Technology Targeting and Development Plann |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium |
Md. Golam Faruque, Md. Waji Ullah, Uttam Deb,Chowdhury Saleh Ahmed, Roland Nathan Mandal, Bijoya Paul, and Tazeen Fatima Khan |
2014 |
Agricultural Production Typology in Bangladesh |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium |
N Nagaraj, Uttam Deb, GD Nageswara Rao, R Anusha and Cynthia Bantilan |
2014 |
Policy Induced Transformation In Dryland Agriculture: The Case Of Tharati Village In Karnataka |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium |
Alamgir Chowdhury, John Marandy, Mamun Howlader and Uttam Deb |
2014 |
Transformation From Crop Farming To Fish Farming: Development Dynamics Of Nishaiganj Village In Mymensingh District Of Bangladesh |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium |
Madhusudan Bhattarai, Padmaja P, Atul K, Uttam K Deb, and MCS Bantilan |
2014 |
Wage and other Factor determinants of crop productivity and farm income in India? Panel analyses across six villages in SAT region from 2001-2011 |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium |
Abdur Rouf Sarkar and Humnath Bhandari |
2014 |
Productivity, Yield Gap and Resource Use Efficiency in Hybrid Rice Production in Bangladesh |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium |
R Padmaja, MCS Bantilan, K Kavitha, GV Anil Kumar, P Padmaja and Y Mohan Rao |
2014 |
Women's empowerment in the fragile environment of Semi-Arid Tropics: focus on norms, agency and attitudes |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium |
Kamala Gurung, Humnath Bhandari |
2014 |
Does diversification of rice based systems always lead to gender equity? A case from Bangladesh |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium |
Anjani Kumar, Shinoj Parappurathu, M C S Bantilan and P K Joshi |
2014 |
Public Distribution System in India: Implications for Poverty and Food Security |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium |
Shinoj Parappurathu1, Anjani Kumar, MCS Bantilan and PK Joshi |
2014 |
Food and Nutrition Insecurity in Eastern India: Evidences from a Household Level Study |
Paper presented at the 8th ASAE Pre-conference Mini-symposium |
Nagaraj N, Bhattarai M, Murthy SK , Bantilan C, V |
2014 |
Economic Impacts of MNREGA in Drought Prone Districts of Karnataka- Evidences from VDSA Villages |
Presented at the Conference on the MGNREGA in India: Taking Stock, Looking ahead, Organised by IFPRI, Cornel University and IGIDR, Mumbai, March 26-28, 2014 |
Nagaraj N, Deb U, Rao GDN, Anusha R and Bantilan C |
2014 |
Is smallholder Farming Economically Viable? Evidences from Village Dynamics Studies in Karnataka, Peninsular India |
Presented in IAAE Symposium, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad |
Nagaraj N, Deb U, Rao GDN, Bantilan C, Mohana BL, Anusha R |
2014 |
Potential of Horticulture led Development Pathways and its Implications on Income, Employment, Gender Equity and Profitability of Small Holders -Evidences from ICRISAT-VDSA Villages of Karnataka, SAT India |
Presented in the seminar organized by ISAE, Bijapur, Karnataka |
Nagaraj N, Pandey L, Bantilan C and Roy SN |
2014 |
Impact of MGNREGA on Agricultural Labor Scarcity and Wages in SAT India |
Paper presented at National Symposium, New Delhi |
Bhattarai M, Ponnamaneni P, Bantilan MCS |
2014 |
MGNREGS Impact on Farm Credit in Andhra Pradesh, India: Household Level Panel Data Analysis |
Research paper presented at 58th Annual conference of AARES, 4-7 February (2014), Port Macquarie, NSW. Australia |