The outputs, intermediate outcomes, and final outcomes together with their associated milestones are well defined both qualitatively and quantitatively. The data in general and the time series micro data in particular can be used for selective impact assessment of changes in government programs.
Success in monitoring and evaluation will be reflected in the quality of data, the timing of its distribution, and the research output of ICRISAT and its partners. The two data-producing objectives share the same plan for distribution. Within the milestones specified in the project, all data outputs and related publications are available on this website.
In the project, data quality is best monitored not by quantitative indicators but by repetitive checking of schedules and worksheets by the supervisor at village and ICRISAT levels, respectively. Areas flagged result in re-interviews with respondents. Data quality will also depend on how easily the village investigators develop a rapport with respondents and integrate into village activities.
The most challenging aspect centers around monitoring the quality of the time series micro data in Objective 1, for which the overall responsibility lies with the Management Committee. The Committee will meet at least thrice a year in person or via teleconference in the first two years of the project and will also be convened annually to review the progress of the project. It will annually report to the Advisory Panel. The Advisory Panel will be convened at least five times in the life of the project.