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Journal articles

Authors Year Title Journal article**
Narayanamoorthy A, Bhattarai M, Suresh R, and Alli P 2014 Farm Mechanization, MGNREGS and Labour Supply Nexus: A State-wise Panel Data Analysis on Paddy and Wheat Crop IJAE
Zalkuwi, Jimjel, R Singh, M Bhattarai, O P Singh, D Rao 2014 Profitability Analysis of Sorghum Production in India IJCBM
Bhattarai M, Varalakshmi BL and Bantilan MCS 2013 A Comparative Assessment of Social Safety Net Programs in Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh: Impact on Smallholder Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods AE
Kumar A and Jain R 2013 Growth and Instability in Agricultural Productivity: A District Level Analysis AE
Narayanamoorthy A and Bhattarai M 2013 Rural Employment Scheme and Agricultural Wage Rate Nexus: An Analysis across States AE
Pandey LM, Bantilan MCS, Rao PP, Binswanger HP and Birthal PS 2013 Supply Response and Investment in Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh AJAD
Kumar, Anjani, PKumar, Alakh N Sharma, Rajni Jain and Usha R Ahuja 2012 Dynamics of Rural Poverty in India: The Role of Agricultural Growth AJAD
Kumar, Anjani, Chitra Yadav, Shiv Jee, Sant Kumar and Sonia Chauhan 2011 Financial Innovation in Indian Agricultural Credit Market: Progress and Performance of Kisan Credit Card IJAE
Kumar, Anjani , Praduman Kumar and Alakh N Sharma 2011 Rural Poverty and Agricultural Growth in India: Implications for the Twelfth Five Year Plan IJAE
Kumara Charyulu D and Rao KPC 2010 Drivers of crop diversification in Semi-Arid Tropics (SAT) of Andhra Pradesh JADP
Kumara Charyulu D and Rao KPC 2010 Risk Attitudes of farmers in Mahabubnagar district of Andhra Pradesh and their determinants TAER
Singh NP, Shunmugam V and Garg S 2009 How efficient are futures market operations in mitigating price risk? an explorative analysis IJAE
Pender, J. and J. Ndjeunga 2009 Impacts of sustainable land management programs on land management and poverty in Niger
Palanisami K, Suresh Kumar D, Wani SP and Giordanod M 2009 Evaluation of Watershed Development Programmes in India
Birthal PS, Jha AK, Tiongco MM and Narrod C 2009 Farm-level impacts of vertical coordination of the food supply chain: evidence from contract farming of milk in India IJAE
Adekambi Souléïmane Adéyèmi, Aliou Diagne, Franklin Simtowe and Gauthier Biaou 2009 The impact of Agricultural technology adoption on poverty: The case of Nerica Rice varieties in Benin
Bantilan MCS and Padmaja R 2008 Empowerment through social capital build-up: Gender dimensions through technology uptake JEA
Rao KPC 2008 Changes in dry land agriculture in the semi-arid tropics of India, 1975-2004 EJDR
Padmaja R and Bantilan MCS 2008 Gender issues in aquaculture: Learning lessons from International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics SID
Parthasarathy Rao P, Reddy GK, Reddy BVS and Ramchandriah D 2007 Farmers’ perceptions on performance and utilization of improved sorghum cultivars MERR
Rao KPC and Kumara Charyulu D 2005 Livelihoods, incomes and indebtedness of villagers in six Andhra Pradesh villages IJAE
Ellis F and Freeman HA 2004 Rural livelihoods and poverty reduction strategies in four African countries JDS
Freeman HA and Ellis F 2004 Livelihoods and rural poverty reduction in Kenya DPR
Rao KPC 2003 Andhra Pradesh agriculture: scenario and prospects EPW
Foster A and Rosenzweig MR 2000 Imperfect commitment altruism and the family: evidence from transfer behavior in low-income rural areas REST
Behrman JR A, Rosenzweig FM and Vashishtha P 2000 Women's schooling home teaching and economic growth JPE
Kanwar S 1999 The demand for labor in risky agriculture ODS
Kanwar S 1999 Does risk matter? The case of off-farm labor allocation of owner/cultivators APE
Kochar A 1999 Smoothing consumption by smoothing income: hours-of-work responses to idiosyncratic agricultural shocks in rural India REST
Rose E 1999 Gender bias credit constraints and time allocation in rural India REST
Ligon E 1998 Risk sharing and information in village economies RES
Deolalikar AB and Rose E 1998 Gender and savings in rural India JPOE
Fafchamps M, Udry C and Czukas K* 1998 Drought and savings in west Africa: are livestock a buffer stock? JDE
Jacoby HA and Skoufias E 1998 Testing theories on consumption behavior using information on aggregate shocks: income seasonality and rainfall in rural India AJAE
Kanwar S 1998 Wage responsiveness of labor supply in non-clearing rural markets: the case of Indian agriculture EL
Kanwar S 1998 Are production risk and labor market risk covariant? JID
Savadoga K, Reardon T and Pietola K* 1998 Adoption of improved land use technologies to increase food security in Burkina Faso: relating animal traction productivity and non-farm income AS
Jacoby HA and Skoufias E 1997 Risk financial markets and human capital in a developing country RES
Fafchamps M and Pender J 1997 Precautionary saving credit constraints and irreversible investment: theory and evidence from semi-arid India JBES
Atkinson A and Ogaki M 1997 Wealth varying inter-temporal elasticities of substitution: evidence from panel and aggregate data JME
Carter, Michael* 1997 Environment, technology and the social articulation of risk in west African agriculture EDCC
Pal S 1997 An analysis of declining incidence of regular labor in rural India JDS
Ravallion M and Chaudhury S* 1997 Risk and insurance in village India: comment ECM
Sakurai T and Reardon T* 1997 Potential demand for drought insurance in Burkina Faso and its determinants AJAE
ReardonT and Taylor JE* 1996 Agroclimatic shock income inequality and poverty: evidence from Burkina Faso WD
Coelli TJ and Battese GE 1996 Identification of factors which influence the technical inefficiency of Indian farmers ASJAE
Gaiha R 1996 How dependent are the rural poor on the employment guarantee scheme in India? JDS
Skoufias E 1996 Inter temporal substitution and labor supply: micro evidence from rural India JDE
Udry C* 1996 Gender agricultural productivity and the theory of the household JPE
Gaiha R 1995 Does agricultural growth matter in poverty alleviation? DC
Haddad L, Chung K and Devi PY 1995 Alternative approaches to locating the food and nutritional insecure: work in progress in south India EPW
Battese GE and Coelli TJ 1995 A model for technical inefficiency effects in a stochastic frontier production function for panel data EE
Kanwar S 1995 Do farm households use the labor market as a hedge against revenue risk? Evidence from female labor supply IJAE
Kelley TG, Ryan JG and Patel BK 1995 Applied participatory priority setting in international agricultural research: making trade-offs transparent and explicit AS
Kochar A 1995 Explaining household vulnerability to idiosyncratic shocks AER
Savadogo K, Reardon T and Pietola K* 1995 Mechanization and agricultural supply response in the Sahel: a farm level profit function analysis JAE
Townsend RM 1995 Consumption insurance: an evaluation of risk bearing systems in low-income economies JEP
Skoufias E 1995 Household resources transaction costs and adjustment through land tenancy LE
Savadogo K, Reardon T and Pietola K* 1994 Farm productivity in Burkina Faso: effects of the animal traction and non-farm income AJAE
Kennedy E and Reardon T* 1994 Shift to non-traditional grains in the diets of east and west Africa: role of women's opportunity cost of time in prepared-food consumption FP
Datt G and Ravallion M 1994 Transfer benefits from public works employment: evidence for rural India EJ
Chaudhury S and Ravallion M 1994 How well do static indicators identify the chronically poor? JPUE
Hopkins J, Levin C and Haddad L* 1994 Women's income and household expenditure patterns: gender or flow? Evidence from Niger AJAE
Frisvold GB 1994 Does supervision matter? Some hypothesis testing using Indian farm level data JDE
Saha A 1994 A two season agricultural household model of output and price uncertainty JDE
Saha A and Stround J 1994 A household model of on-farm storage under price risk AJAE
Sakurai T, Gautam M, Reardon T, Hazell P and Alderman H* 1994 Potential demand for drought insurance in Burkina Faso AJAE
Skoufias E 1994 Market wages family composition and the time allocation of children in agricultural households in India JDS
Townsend RM 1994 Risk and insurance in village India ECM
Skoufias E 1994 Using shadow wages to estimate labor supply of agricultural households AJAE
Skoufias E 1993 Seasonal labor utilization in agriculture theory and evidence from agrarian households in India AJAE
Rosenzweig MR and Wolpin KI 1993 Credit market constraints consumption smoothing and the accumulation of durable production assets in low income countries: investments in bullocks in India JPE
Rosenzweig MR and Binswanger HP 1993 Wealth weather risk and the composition and profitability of agricultural investments EJ
Fafchamps M* 1993 Sequential labor decisions under uncertainty: an estimable household model of west African farmers ECM
Foster A and Rosenzweig MR* 1993 Information learning and wage rates in low income rural areas JHR
Battese GE and Tessema GA 1993 Estimation of stochastic frontier production functions with time-varying parameters and technical efficiencies using panel data from Indian villages AE
Christensen G* 1993 The limits to informal financial intermediation WD
Haddad L and Reardon T* 1993 Gender bias in the allocation of resources within households in Burkina Faso: a disaggregated outlay equivalent analysis JDS
ReardonT and Taylor JE* 1993 Agroclimatic heterogeneity income diversification and inequality in rural Burkina Faso AJAE
Reardon T, Delgado C and Matlon PJ* 1992 Determinants and effects of income diversification amongst farm households in Burkina Faso JDS
Battese GE and Coelli TJ 1992 Frontier production functions technical efficiency and panel data: application to paddy farmers in India JPA
Behrman JR, Lovell CA, Pollak RA and Sickles RC 1992 The CET-CES generalized Leontief variable profit function: an application to Indian agriculture OEP
Webb P and Reardon T* 1992 Drought impact and household response in east and west Africa QJIA
Singh M and Singh RP 1991 A methodology for measuring income stability and its application JISAS
Chavas JP, Kristjanson PM and Matlon PJ* 1991 On the role of information in decision making the case of sorghum yield in Burkina Faso JDE
Ballabh V and Walker TS 1991 Land subdivision in India's semi-arid tropics IJAE
Bidinger PD, Walker TS, Sarker B, Murthy AR and Babu P 1991 Consequences of the mid-1980s drought: longitudinal evidence from Mahabubnagar EPW
Pandey S 1991 The economics of water harvesting and supplementary irrigation in the semi-arid tropics of India AS
Ranganathan R, Fafchamps M and Walker TS 1991 Evaluating biological productivity in intercropping systems with production possibility curves AS
Pereira MP and Sumner DA 1990 Rigidities in rural labor markets: an empirical test REST
Deolalikar AB and Singh RP 1990 The impact of bequests on lifetime wealth accumulation: an econometric study of two generations of rural households in India RIW
Hulugalle NR, Dekoning J and Matlon PJ* 1990 Effect of rock bunds and tied ridges on soil water content and soil properties in the Sudan savannah of Burkina Faso TA
Jaeger WK and Matlon PJ* 1990 Utilization profitability and the adoption of animal draft power in west Africa AJAE
Jodha NS 1990 Rural common property resources: contributions and crisis EPW
Renkow M 1990 Household inventories and marketed surplus in semi subsistence agriculture AJAE
Subramanian S and Sadoulet E 1990 The transmission production fluctuation and technical change in a village economy: a social accounting matrix approach EDCC
Dudley NJ, Mueller RAE and Wightman JA 1989 Application of dynamic programming for guiding IPM on groundnut leaf miner in India CP
Antle JM 1989 Non-structural risk attitude estimation AJAE
Battese GE T J Coelli and Colby TC 1989 Estimation of frontier production functions and the efficiencies of Indian farms using panel data from ICRISAT's village level studies JQE
Jodha NS and Singh RP 1989 Crop rotation in traditional farming systems in selected areas of India EPW
McIntire J and Fussell LK 1989 On-farm experiments with millet in Niger: crop establishment yield loss factors and economic analysis JEA
ReardonT and Kelly V* 1989 Impact of liquidity sources on chemical fertilizer use in semi-arid west Africa AJAE
Rosenzweig MR and Stark O 1989 Consumption smoothing migration and marriage: evidence from rural India JPE
Ravallion M 1988 Expected poverty under risk-induced welfare variability EJ
Reardon T, Matlon PJ and Delgado C* 1988 Coping with household level food security in drought effected areas of Burkina Faso WD
Murty KN and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 India's food grain surplus: a demand-supply policy simulation ANVESAK
Foster JH 1988 Constraints to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh IJAE
Deolalikar AB 1988 Nutrition and labor productivity in agriculture: estimates for rural south Asia REST
Behrman JR 1988 Nutrition health birth order and seasonality: intra household allocation among children in rural India JDE
Behrman JR 1988 Intra-household allocation of nutrients in rural India: are boys favored? Do parent exhibit inequality aversion? OEP
Battese GE and Coelli TJ 1988 Prediction of farm-level technical efficiencies with a generalized frontier production function and panel data JE
Jodha NS 1988 Poverty debate in India: a minority view EPW
Rosenzweig MR 1988 Risk implicit contracts and the family in rural areas of low-income countries EJ
Rosenzweig MR 1988 Risk private information and the family AER
Walker TS, Singh RP and Ballabh V 1988 Agrarian change farm size tenancy and land fragmentation in India's semi-arid tropics ICAE
Jodha NS, Virmani SM, Huda AKS, Gadgil S and Singh RP 1987 The effects of climatic variations on agriculture in dry tropical regions of India ICVA
Antle JM 1987 Econometric estimation for producer's risk attitudes AJAE
Behrman JR and Deolalikar AB 1987 Will developing country nutrition increase with income? A case study with rural south India JPE
Shaban RA 1987 Testing between competing models of sharecropping JPE
Bhende MJ 1986 Credit markets in rural south India EPW
Jodha NS 1986 Research and technology for dry land farming in India IJAE
Jodha NS 1986 Common property resources and rural poor in dry regions in India EPW
Walker TS, Singh RP and Asokan M 1986 Risk benefits crop insurance and dry land agriculture EPW
Jodha NS 1985 Population growth and the decline of common property resources in Rajasthan India ICRISAT Journal
Behrman JR and Murty KN 1985 Market impacts of technological change for sorghum in Indian near-subsistence agriculture AJAE
McIntire J and Delgado CL 1985 Statistical significance of indicators of efficiency and incentives: examples from west African agriculture AJAE
Matlon PJ and Spencer DS * 1984 Increasing food production in sub-Saharan Africa: environmental problems and inadequate technological solutions AJAE
Singh RP and Walker TS 1984 Crop failure in semi-arid tropics of peninsular India: implications for technological policy IJAE
Walker TS, Singh RP and Bhende MJ 1983 Management as a factor of production in the semi-arid tropics of rural south India IJAE
Jodha NS and Singh RP 1982 Factors constraining growth of coarse grain crops in semi-arid tropical India IJAE
Ghodake RD and Ryan JG 1981 Human labor availability and employment in semi-arid tropical India IJAE
Jodha NS 1981 Role of credit in farmer's adjustment against risk in arid and semi-arid tropical areas of India EPW
Jodha NS 1981 Agricultural tenancy: fresh evidence from dry land areas in India EPW
Jodha NS 1980 Intercropping in traditional cropping systems JDS
Jodha NS 1978 Effectiveness of farmers' adjustments to risk EPW
Binswanger HP 1978 Risk attitudes of rural households in semi-arid tropical India EPW
Binswanger HP and Ryan JG 1977 Efficiency and equity issues in ex ante allocation of research resources IJAE
* Journal articles based on African VLS data. The remaining journal articles used Indian VLS data

Appendix for journal codes
AE Agricultural Economics JEA The Journal of Experimental Agriculture
AER American Economic Review JEP Journal of Economic Perspectives
AJAE American Journal of Agricultural Economics JHR Journal of Human Resources
APE Applied Economics JID Journal of International Development
AS Agricultural Systems JME Journal of Monetary Economics
ASJAE Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics JPA Journal of Productivity Analysis
CP Crop Protection JPE Journal of Political Economy
DC Development and Change JPOE Journal of Population Economics
DPR Development Policy Review JPUE Journal of Public Economics
ECM Econometrica JQE Journal of Quantitative Economics
EDCC Economic Development and Cultural Change LE Land Economics
EE Empirical Economics MERR Manage Extension and Research Review
EJ Economic Journal ODS Oxford Development Studies
EJDR European Journal of Development Research OEP Oxford Economic Papers
EL Economics Letters PDR Population and Development Review
EPW Economic and Political Weekly QJIA Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture
FP Food Policy RA Review of Agriculture
IJAE Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics RES Review of Economic Studies
ISAS Indian Journal of Agricultural Statistics REST Review of Economics and Statistics
JADP Journal of Agricultural Development and Policy RIW Review of Income and Wealth
JAE Journal of African Economies SID Society for International Development
JBES Journal of Business and Economic Statistics TA Tropical Agriculture
JDE Journal of Development Economics TAER The Asian Economic Review
JDS Journal of Development Studies WD World Development
JE Journal of Econometrics AJAD Asian journal of Agricultural Development
IJCBM International Journal of Commerce, Business and Management