Narayanamoorthy A, Bhattarai M, Suresh R, and Alli P |
2014 |
Farm Mechanization, MGNREGS and Labour Supply Nexus: A State-wise Panel Data Analysis on Paddy and Wheat Crop |
Zalkuwi, Jimjel, R Singh, M Bhattarai, O P Singh, D Rao |
2014 |
Profitability Analysis of Sorghum Production in India |
Bhattarai M, Varalakshmi BL and Bantilan MCS |
2013 |
A Comparative Assessment of Social Safety Net Programs in Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh: Impact on Smallholder Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods |
AE |
Kumar A and Jain R |
2013 |
Growth and Instability in Agricultural Productivity: A District Level Analysis |
AE |
Narayanamoorthy A and Bhattarai M |
2013 |
Rural Employment Scheme and Agricultural Wage Rate Nexus: An Analysis across States |
AE |
Pandey LM, Bantilan MCS, Rao PP, Binswanger HP and Birthal PS |
2013 |
Supply Response and Investment in Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh |
Kumar, Anjani, PKumar, Alakh N Sharma, Rajni Jain and Usha R Ahuja |
2012 |
Dynamics of Rural Poverty in India: The Role of Agricultural Growth |
Kumar, Anjani, Chitra Yadav, Shiv Jee, Sant Kumar and Sonia Chauhan |
2011 |
Financial Innovation in Indian Agricultural Credit Market: Progress and Performance of Kisan Credit Card |
Kumar, Anjani , Praduman Kumar and Alakh N Sharma |
2011 |
Rural Poverty and Agricultural Growth in India: Implications for the Twelfth Five Year Plan |
Kumara Charyulu D and Rao KPC |
2010 |
Drivers of crop diversification in Semi-Arid Tropics (SAT) of Andhra Pradesh |
Kumara Charyulu D and Rao KPC |
2010 |
Risk Attitudes of farmers in Mahabubnagar district of Andhra Pradesh and their determinants |
Singh NP, Shunmugam V and Garg S |
2009 |
How efficient are futures market operations in mitigating price risk? an explorative analysis |
Pender, J. and J. Ndjeunga |
2009 |
Impacts of sustainable land management programs on land management and poverty in Niger |
Palanisami K, Suresh Kumar D, Wani SP and Giordanod M |
2009 |
Evaluation of Watershed Development Programmes in India |
Birthal PS, Jha AK, Tiongco MM and Narrod C |
2009 |
Farm-level impacts of vertical coordination of the food supply chain: evidence from contract farming of milk in India |
Adekambi Souléïmane Adéyèmi, Aliou Diagne, Franklin Simtowe and Gauthier Biaou |
2009 |
The impact of Agricultural technology adoption on poverty: The case of Nerica Rice varieties in Benin |
Bantilan MCS and Padmaja R |
2008 |
Empowerment through social capital build-up: Gender dimensions through technology uptake |
Rao KPC |
2008 |
Changes in dry land agriculture in the semi-arid tropics of India, 1975-2004 |
Padmaja R and Bantilan MCS |
2008 |
Gender issues in aquaculture: Learning lessons from International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics |
Parthasarathy Rao P, Reddy GK, Reddy BVS and Ramchandriah D |
2007 |
Farmers’ perceptions on performance and utilization of improved sorghum cultivars |
Rao KPC and Kumara Charyulu D |
2005 |
Livelihoods, incomes and indebtedness of villagers in six Andhra Pradesh villages |
Ellis F and Freeman HA |
2004 |
Rural livelihoods and poverty reduction strategies in four African countries |
Freeman HA and Ellis F |
2004 |
Livelihoods and rural poverty reduction in Kenya |
Rao KPC |
2003 |
Andhra Pradesh agriculture: scenario and prospects |
Foster A and Rosenzweig MR |
2000 |
Imperfect commitment altruism and the family: evidence from transfer behavior in low-income rural areas |
Behrman JR A, Rosenzweig FM and Vashishtha P |
2000 |
Women's schooling home teaching and economic growth |
Kanwar S |
1999 |
The demand for labor in risky agriculture |
Kanwar S |
1999 |
Does risk matter? The case of off-farm labor allocation of owner/cultivators |
Kochar A |
1999 |
Smoothing consumption by smoothing income: hours-of-work responses to idiosyncratic agricultural shocks in rural India |
Rose E |
1999 |
Gender bias credit constraints and time allocation in rural India |
Ligon E |
1998 |
Risk sharing and information in village economies |
Deolalikar AB and Rose E |
1998 |
Gender and savings in rural India |
Fafchamps M, Udry C and Czukas K* |
1998 |
Drought and savings in west Africa: are livestock a buffer stock? |
Jacoby HA and Skoufias E |
1998 |
Testing theories on consumption behavior using information on aggregate shocks: income seasonality and rainfall in rural India |
Kanwar S |
1998 |
Wage responsiveness of labor supply in non-clearing rural markets: the case of Indian agriculture |
EL |
Kanwar S |
1998 |
Are production risk and labor market risk covariant? |
Savadoga K, Reardon T and Pietola K* |
1998 |
Adoption of improved land use technologies to increase food security in Burkina Faso: relating animal traction productivity and non-farm income |
AS |
Jacoby HA and Skoufias E |
1997 |
Risk financial markets and human capital in a developing country |
Fafchamps M and Pender J |
1997 |
Precautionary saving credit constraints and irreversible investment: theory and evidence from semi-arid India |
Atkinson A and Ogaki M |
1997 |
Wealth varying inter-temporal elasticities of substitution: evidence from panel and aggregate data |
Carter, Michael* |
1997 |
Environment, technology and the social articulation of risk in west African agriculture |
Pal S |
1997 |
An analysis of declining incidence of regular labor in rural India |
Ravallion M and Chaudhury S* |
1997 |
Risk and insurance in village India: comment |
Sakurai T and Reardon T* |
1997 |
Potential demand for drought insurance in Burkina Faso and its determinants |
ReardonT and Taylor JE* |
1996 |
Agroclimatic shock income inequality and poverty: evidence from Burkina Faso |
WD |
Coelli TJ and Battese GE |
1996 |
Identification of factors which influence the technical inefficiency of Indian farmers |
Gaiha R |
1996 |
How dependent are the rural poor on the employment guarantee scheme in India? |
Skoufias E |
1996 |
Inter temporal substitution and labor supply: micro evidence from rural India |
Udry C* |
1996 |
Gender agricultural productivity and the theory of the household |
Gaiha R |
1995 |
Does agricultural growth matter in poverty alleviation? |
DC |
Haddad L, Chung K and Devi PY |
1995 |
Alternative approaches to locating the food and nutritional insecure: work in progress in south India |
Battese GE and Coelli TJ |
1995 |
A model for technical inefficiency effects in a stochastic frontier production function for panel data |
EE |
Kanwar S |
1995 |
Do farm households use the labor market as a hedge against revenue risk? Evidence from female labor supply |
Kelley TG, Ryan JG and Patel BK |
1995 |
Applied participatory priority setting in international agricultural research: making trade-offs transparent and explicit |
AS |
Kochar A |
1995 |
Explaining household vulnerability to idiosyncratic shocks |
Savadogo K, Reardon T and Pietola K* |
1995 |
Mechanization and agricultural supply response in the Sahel: a farm level profit function analysis |
Townsend RM |
1995 |
Consumption insurance: an evaluation of risk bearing systems in low-income economies |
Skoufias E |
1995 |
Household resources transaction costs and adjustment through land tenancy |
LE |
Savadogo K, Reardon T and Pietola K* |
1994 |
Farm productivity in Burkina Faso: effects of the animal traction and non-farm income |
Kennedy E and Reardon T* |
1994 |
Shift to non-traditional grains in the diets of east and west Africa: role of women's opportunity cost of time in prepared-food consumption |
FP |
Datt G and Ravallion M |
1994 |
Transfer benefits from public works employment: evidence for rural India |
EJ |
Chaudhury S and Ravallion M |
1994 |
How well do static indicators identify the chronically poor? |
Hopkins J, Levin C and Haddad L* |
1994 |
Women's income and household expenditure patterns: gender or flow? Evidence from Niger |
Frisvold GB |
1994 |
Does supervision matter? Some hypothesis testing using Indian farm level data |
Saha A |
1994 |
A two season agricultural household model of output and price uncertainty |
Saha A and Stround J |
1994 |
A household model of on-farm storage under price risk |
Sakurai T, Gautam M, Reardon T, Hazell P and Alderman H* |
1994 |
Potential demand for drought insurance in Burkina Faso |
Skoufias E |
1994 |
Market wages family composition and the time allocation of children in agricultural households in India |
Townsend RM |
1994 |
Risk and insurance in village India |
Skoufias E |
1994 |
Using shadow wages to estimate labor supply of agricultural households |
Skoufias E |
1993 |
Seasonal labor utilization in agriculture theory and evidence from agrarian households in India |
Rosenzweig MR and Wolpin KI |
1993 |
Credit market constraints consumption smoothing and the accumulation of durable production assets in low income countries: investments in bullocks in India |
Rosenzweig MR and Binswanger HP |
1993 |
Wealth weather risk and the composition and profitability of agricultural investments |
EJ |
Fafchamps M* |
1993 |
Sequential labor decisions under uncertainty: an estimable household model of west African farmers |
Foster A and Rosenzweig MR* |
1993 |
Information learning and wage rates in low income rural areas |
Battese GE and Tessema GA |
1993 |
Estimation of stochastic frontier production functions with time-varying parameters and technical efficiencies using panel data from Indian villages |
AE |
Christensen G* |
1993 |
The limits to informal financial intermediation |
WD |
Haddad L and Reardon T* |
1993 |
Gender bias in the allocation of resources within households in Burkina Faso: a disaggregated outlay equivalent analysis |
ReardonT and Taylor JE* |
1993 |
Agroclimatic heterogeneity income diversification and inequality in rural Burkina Faso |
Reardon T, Delgado C and Matlon PJ* |
1992 |
Determinants and effects of income diversification amongst farm households in Burkina Faso |
Battese GE and Coelli TJ |
1992 |
Frontier production functions technical efficiency and panel data: application to paddy farmers in India |
Behrman JR, Lovell CA, Pollak RA and Sickles RC |
1992 |
The CET-CES generalized Leontief variable profit function: an application to Indian agriculture |
Webb P and Reardon T* |
1992 |
Drought impact and household response in east and west Africa |
Singh M and Singh RP |
1991 |
A methodology for measuring income stability and its application |
Chavas JP, Kristjanson PM and Matlon PJ* |
1991 |
On the role of information in decision making the case of sorghum yield in Burkina Faso |
Ballabh V and Walker TS |
1991 |
Land subdivision in India's semi-arid tropics |
Bidinger PD, Walker TS, Sarker B, Murthy AR and Babu P |
1991 |
Consequences of the mid-1980s drought: longitudinal evidence from Mahabubnagar |
Pandey S |
1991 |
The economics of water harvesting and supplementary irrigation in the semi-arid tropics of India |
AS |
Ranganathan R, Fafchamps M and Walker TS |
1991 |
Evaluating biological productivity in intercropping systems with production possibility curves |
AS |
Pereira MP and Sumner DA |
1990 |
Rigidities in rural labor markets: an empirical test |
Deolalikar AB and Singh RP |
1990 |
The impact of bequests on lifetime wealth accumulation: an econometric study of two generations of rural households in India |
Hulugalle NR, Dekoning J and Matlon PJ* |
1990 |
Effect of rock bunds and tied ridges on soil water content and soil properties in the Sudan savannah of Burkina Faso |
TA |
Jaeger WK and Matlon PJ* |
1990 |
Utilization profitability and the adoption of animal draft power in west Africa |
Jodha NS |
1990 |
Rural common property resources: contributions and crisis |
Renkow M |
1990 |
Household inventories and marketed surplus in semi subsistence agriculture |
Subramanian S and Sadoulet E |
1990 |
The transmission production fluctuation and technical change in a village economy: a social accounting matrix approach |
Dudley NJ, Mueller RAE and Wightman JA |
1989 |
Application of dynamic programming for guiding IPM on groundnut leaf miner in India |
CP |
Antle JM |
1989 |
Non-structural risk attitude estimation |
Battese GE T J Coelli and Colby TC |
1989 |
Estimation of frontier production functions and the efficiencies of Indian farms using panel data from ICRISAT's village level studies |
Jodha NS and Singh RP |
1989 |
Crop rotation in traditional farming systems in selected areas of India |
McIntire J and Fussell LK |
1989 |
On-farm experiments with millet in Niger: crop establishment yield loss factors and economic analysis |
ReardonT and Kelly V* |
1989 |
Impact of liquidity sources on chemical fertilizer use in semi-arid west Africa |
Rosenzweig MR and Stark O |
1989 |
Consumption smoothing migration and marriage: evidence from rural India |
Ravallion M |
1988 |
Expected poverty under risk-induced welfare variability |
EJ |
Reardon T, Matlon PJ and Delgado C* |
1988 |
Coping with household level food security in drought effected areas of Burkina Faso |
WD |
Murty KN and Parthasarathy Rao P |
1988 |
India's food grain surplus: a demand-supply policy simulation |
Foster JH |
1988 |
Constraints to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh |
Deolalikar AB |
1988 |
Nutrition and labor productivity in agriculture: estimates for rural south Asia |
Behrman JR |
1988 |
Nutrition health birth order and seasonality: intra household allocation among children in rural India |
Behrman JR |
1988 |
Intra-household allocation of nutrients in rural India: are boys favored? Do parent exhibit inequality aversion? |
Battese GE and Coelli TJ |
1988 |
Prediction of farm-level technical efficiencies with a generalized frontier production function and panel data |
JE |
Jodha NS |
1988 |
Poverty debate in India: a minority view |
Rosenzweig MR |
1988 |
Risk implicit contracts and the family in rural areas of low-income countries |
EJ |
Rosenzweig MR |
1988 |
Risk private information and the family |
Walker TS, Singh RP and Ballabh V |
1988 |
Agrarian change farm size tenancy and land fragmentation in India's semi-arid tropics |
Jodha NS, Virmani SM, Huda AKS, Gadgil S and Singh RP |
1987 |
The effects of climatic variations on agriculture in dry tropical regions of India |
Antle JM |
1987 |
Econometric estimation for producer's risk attitudes |
Behrman JR and Deolalikar AB |
1987 |
Will developing country nutrition increase with income? A case study with rural south India |
Shaban RA |
1987 |
Testing between competing models of sharecropping |
Bhende MJ |
1986 |
Credit markets in rural south India |
Jodha NS |
1986 |
Research and technology for dry land farming in India |
Jodha NS |
1986 |
Common property resources and rural poor in dry regions in India |
Walker TS, Singh RP and Asokan M |
1986 |
Risk benefits crop insurance and dry land agriculture |
Jodha NS |
1985 |
Population growth and the decline of common property resources in Rajasthan India |
ICRISAT Journal |
Behrman JR and Murty KN |
1985 |
Market impacts of technological change for sorghum in Indian near-subsistence agriculture |
McIntire J and Delgado CL |
1985 |
Statistical significance of indicators of efficiency and incentives: examples from west African agriculture |
Matlon PJ and Spencer DS * |
1984 |
Increasing food production in sub-Saharan Africa: environmental problems and inadequate technological solutions |
Singh RP and Walker TS |
1984 |
Crop failure in semi-arid tropics of peninsular India: implications for technological policy |
Walker TS, Singh RP and Bhende MJ |
1983 |
Management as a factor of production in the semi-arid tropics of rural south India |
Jodha NS and Singh RP |
1982 |
Factors constraining growth of coarse grain crops in semi-arid tropical India |
Ghodake RD and Ryan JG |
1981 |
Human labor availability and employment in semi-arid tropical India |
Jodha NS |
1981 |
Role of credit in farmer's adjustment against risk in arid and semi-arid tropical areas of India |
Jodha NS |
1981 |
Agricultural tenancy: fresh evidence from dry land areas in India |
Jodha NS |
1980 |
Intercropping in traditional cropping systems |
Jodha NS |
1978 |
Effectiveness of farmers' adjustments to risk |
Binswanger HP |
1978 |
Risk attitudes of rural households in semi-arid tropical India |
Binswanger HP and Ryan JG |
1977 |
Efficiency and equity issues in ex ante allocation of research resources |