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Discussion papers

Authors Year Title PDF
Uttam Deb, Soumitra Pramanik, Patan Elias Khan and Cynthia Bantilan 2015 Revisiting tenancy and agricultural productivity in Southern India: Insights from longitudinal household surveys
Bhattarai M, Y Mohan Rao, B L Varalakshmi, V D Duche, and M C S Bantilan 2015 Process Documentation Research and Impact of Community-Driven Development Grants Research in Rural India . Socio Economics Discussion Paper series No. 34
Goodrich C, Bhattarai M, Bose A and Bantilan C 2015 Gender Implications of Social Protection Interventions: recent literature, concepts, methods, analytics, and survey tools. Socio Economics Discussion Paper series No. 31
Bhattarai M, Kumar R, Sandhya S, and Bantilan C 2014 Whether MGNREGS has affected agricultural wage rate in Andhra Pradesh? A panel modeling across 23 districts from 2000 to 2011, Socioeconomics Discussion Paper Series Number 27
Bhattarai M, Padmaja P, and Bantilan C 2014 Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Credit Structure in Andhra Pradesh state of India: Household Level Panel Data Analysis from 2006-2012, Socioeconomics Discussion Paper Series Number 28
Mishra R N, Viswanathan, P K, and Bhattarai M 2014 Impact of MGNREGA Program on Income, Assets Creation,and Food Security: Evidence from Selected 10 Semi-Arid Tropic (SAT) Villages in India
Murthy P S S, Kumar G, Gowda V C, Bhattarai M, Chandrakanth M G, Girish M R, and Nagaraj N 2014 Assessment of Economic Impacts of MGNREGA in Selected Two Villages of Karnataka State using Social Accounting Matrix (SAM),Socioeconomics Discussion Paper Series Number 26
Narayanamoorthy A, Bhattarai M, and Suresh R 2014 Has MGNREGS affected the Farmers Profitability? An Assessment based on Cost of Cultivation Data. Socioeconomics Discussion Paper Series Number 25
Binswanger HP, Balaramaiah T, Bhaskar Rao V , Bhende MJ and Kshirsagar KG 1985 Credit markets in rural south India: theoretical issues and empirical analysis. World Bank discussion paper report no ARU 45 Washington DC USA; The World Bank
Jodha NS 1978 Production patterns and dynamics of resource use in arid and semi-arid tropic India. Discussion paper no4 Economics program ICRISAT